Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thing 23

This was such a good idea. I can't wait to use some of the things such as google Docs. I also liked Merlin.

I feel as if I know what people are talking about now. For example, I wasn't familiar with YouTube. I also plan to listen to some podcasts.

It was fun.

Thing 22

I know that Project Gutenburg has been around for a few years now. Students can really benefit from it if they don't have the book.

Thing 21

I subscribed to the podcast for NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. It will be very convenient to listen to it whenever I want!

thing 20

I found this funny video with beagles doing what they do best which is barking.

Thing 19

I checked out the web 2.0 awards and I really liked the travel sites.

Thing 18

I love Google doc! It can help me at home when I want to check my work schedule.

Thing 17

Using the Maryland Sandbox Wiki was easy. I added my blog.

Thing 16

I read about Wiki's and I think they could be very useful. They would be great for readers advisory purposes.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing 15

I watched The Machine is Us/ing Us. I read the articles. Everyone should be familiar with 2.0

Thing 14

I explored Technorati and it looks like fun.
I can see where tags would be useful for blog posts. I created one for this one.

Thing 13

This could really come in handy.

Check out my favorites here.

Thing 12

I created a search roll of real estate sites. Give it a try.

Thing 11

This is a wonderful tool. It will help me to remember the books I read.

Check out my catalog here.

Thing 10

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
I created this image and love the way it blinks.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

thing 9

I found Yelp.com while navigating Merlin. It was great to see what was happening in B-more.

Thing 8

I created a bloglines account and subscribed to 10 feeds. It's a great way to keep track of your friends' blogs.

Thing 7

Some of this technology reminds me of my new embroidery machine. You can use your imagination and create treasures.

Thing 6

Beagle Pup Pup
Originally uploaded by rella4
I created this poster. I can see how people can get addicted to Flickr.

Thing 5

sleeping beagle puppy
Originally uploaded by Yaletown Yuppie
I registered with Flickr and found this adorable picture.

Marty used to be this cute but now he's bigger and older.

Things 1-4

I watched the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners.

My hardest habit will be Habit #6 which is Use Technology to Your Advantage.

My easiest habit will be View Problems as Challenges.

I was so thrilled when I registered my blog.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Marty's smile

Every night when I get home from work, an older gentleman is waiting for me. I used to think he liked me because he was a hungry hound. As he gets older and his appetite isn't what it used to be, he is still happy to see me. He's almost thirteen, has lost many teeth and can't see very well, but he continues to be the master of his domain. Nobody crosses Marty!